Ghost Productions

Ghost productions is a medical animation studio and was in dire need of an update to their website. The redesign was developed during my internship at OneIMS involved various tasks such as conducting a Heuristic Analysis, developing a sitemap of the original website, creating user personas, performing a competitive analysis, designing wireframes, refining prototypes, brainstorming new ideas, crafting Style Guide mockups, and overseeing project management. I was also involved in preparing for client meetings and assisting with SEO analysis and reporting.

The client expressed satisfaction with the end result, a website built on Wordpress for easy updates post-launch. The final website can be viewed on Ghost Productions' page via Archive.Org.

The final product can be found here: Ghost Productions (via Archive.Org)

Time: 10 Weeks Tools: Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, Basecamp, Gloomaps, Wordpress


To address the challenge of redesigning an outdated website for a highly SEO-driven company that emphasizes showcasing its extensive content library, it is essential to strike a balance between meeting the modern website standards to stay competitive in the field and providing a user-friendly experience. Achieving this delicate equilibrium involves employing cutting-edge design techniques, optimizing for search engines effectively, ensuring seamless navigation through the vast content repository, and imbuing the website with an inviting and intuitive user experience. Balancing these aspects harmoniously will lead to a successful website redesign that meets the company's SEO goals, content showcasing needs, and user experience requirements.


During the project, I meticulously crafted detailed personas to better understand the target users, conducted a thorough competitive analysis to identify industry trends, meticulously built wireframes and prototypes to visualize ideas. Moreover, I collaborated closely with the client to effectively tackle UX challenges while ensuring alignment with their specific requirements.


I effectively navigated the client through the implementation of vital UX modifications, which played a significant role in enhancing the site's User Interface, ensuring user-friendliness, and improving comprehensibility. These enhancements proved to be essential in elevating the site's SEO ranking, as well as in upholding its ability to generate leads and cultivate connections.

Original header/Call to Action

Original Homepage

Redesigned Header/Call to Action

Redesigned Homepage

By integrating more visually striking tiles and minimizing the number of buttons, we achieved a more streamlined design. Furthermore, addressing the challenge of an initially convoluted navigation system, we revamped the sitemap to optimize both SEO performance and user navigation experience.To lessen the visual heaviness of the homepage, I devised a comprehensive style guide as a base for future work.

Original Latest Work

Original Latest Work

Redesigned Latest Work

Updated Latest Work

Previously, the brand had utilized extensive blocks of text for SEO purposes, which I advised against. The suggestion was to remove this and consolidate the section to reduce the page's length. Icons were integrated into the tiles to enhance usability, and the "View All" option was repositioned nearer to the content. It was deemed more effective to concentrate on the tiles for improved user experience.

Original Contact

Original Contact and Footer

Redesigned Contact/Sitemap

New Original Contact and Footer

The brand's footer appeared outdated as it lacked a site map, an essential element for SEO to boost visibility in Google search results. Moreover, its design blended with other content. To enhance the footer's distinction from contact sections, I incorporated colors from the style guide to improve readability, accessibility, and overall visibility.


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